Higher Realm Dance Series
This Higher Realm Dance Series will be the building block to propel you to new levels in Christ and in dance ministry. This series will build on what you learned in the Excellence in Dance Series, so get ready to SOAR!
Welcome to this Course and In Hot Pursuit of The Fullness of God-Lecture 1
Ballet Techniques & Terminology-Lecture 2
It's Turning Around - Lecture 3
Accessing "Real" Emotions in Dance - Lecture 4
Ribbons In the Sky-Lecture 5
Final Exam-Higher Realm Dance Series
Copy of Now that you've completed the course...
Higher Realm in the Dance Series
The enemy is doing everything he can to stop our "dance," to hinder our praise and to destroy our worship of the One, True and Living God. He wants us to operate by how we feel, instead of by the truth of God's Word. However, we must not be ignorant of his devices. We must take up our weapons and fight back. As you begin to dance before the Lord, you will come to understand the priceless benefits of this privilege. Secular dance can never do what praise and worship dance can do. This course will help you build on your current knowledge of dance ministry but will take you deeper in technical training and spiritual understanding.